School Epinephrine Laws

Almost every state has passed epinephrine laws to allow schools to obtain and stock emergency epinephrine auto-injectors. School nurses and other trained personnel are authorized to administer epinephrine to students who have an anaphylactic reaction, even if they haven't been previously diagnosed.

Much work has been done, but we still have much to accomplish. Schools still face the challenge of obtaining standing orders and prescriptions for "stock" epinephrine auto-injectors. The following states have passed mandated legilation: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Nevada and Virginia.

If your school or district does not have epinephrine auto-injectors, please reference the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Emergency Epinephrine Act Allergist's Toolkit, which outlines each state's stock epinephrine laws. Click here to see a sample of the Illinois Emergency Epinephrine Act Physician's Toolkit for an additional reference.

Once you have completed your research, contact your school district to implement a program for your school. One concern might be the cost of the undesignated epinephrine auto-injectors, yet schools can obtain free and discounted EpiPens® through the EpiPen4School® Program. Have your prescriber write a prescription for adult-dose and child-dose EpiPens®.