Police Officer Epinephrine Laws

Critical minutes can make the difference between life and death when a severe allergic reaction occurs. Annie's family will always wonder if the outcome would have been different if the police officer who first arrived on the scene had administered an epinephrine auto-injector, the only lifesaving medication for anaphylaxis. 

Police officers often arrive at the scene prior to the arrival of an ambulance. For this reason, it is important to write laws that allow officers to carry epinephrine auto-injectors. Because minutes count in emergency situations, many police officers already carry an AED (automated externall defibrillator) machine and a Naloxone (Narcan®) Kit for those same reasons. Epinephrine auto-injectors would be another tool that officers could utilize prior to the arrival of an emergency personnel.

Because of this the LeGere family has chosen to lead the charge to enable police officers to carry epinephrine auto-injectors in the State of Illinois. The Annie LeGere Foundation would like to see other states move in this direction as well. First responders with these life saving devices can save the lives of the undiagnosed and the under-resourced.

State Level

Are you interested in working with legislators to bring a similar law to your state? If so, please fill out the following information and a representative from The Annie LeGere Foundation will contact you.

Community Level (For the State of Illinois)

Although "Annie's Law" allows police officers to carry epinephrine auto-injectors, much work still needs to be done at the community level. For officers to carry epinephrine auto-injectors in your community, it will require effort from individual activists. Before you approach your local police department, please take a moment to review these additional details here.